Vicon Motus applications

A lot of applications are imaginable for the combined CONTEMPLAS TEMPLO & Vicon Motus 10 solution.
Click on the links below to learn more about them!

Sports performance analysis
Veterinary analysis
Clinical analysis
Physical education

Clinical analysis

Clinical gait analysis covers the wide field of rehabilitation in orthopedics, in neurology and in geriatrics. The focus is on the assessment of gait cycles to get standardized gait parameters. The main kinematic and/or kinetic parameters are evaluated in order to visualize treatment efforts and to document long-term assistance.

Use motion analysis either on a treadmill or on a gait floor!

prosthesis clinical gait analysis


How is camera sync done?
Can I use my old Motus cameras?

Read more questions and answers


New TEMPLO v2018 available
See the new Motus features in TEMPLO v2018

Vicon Motus 10.0.1 available
A new version has been released and is available for download

HDV, GigE and USB-3 cameras
CONTEMPLAS TEMPLO, the new video capture engine, provides the most flexible capture solutions worldwide

Download & Demo

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