3D Calculations

The Vicon Motus® 3D module consists of a menu-driven software for 3D coordinate acquisition (automatic or manual tracking), scaling, kinematic parameter calculations, filtering, interpolation, multi–trial averaging and temporal expansion. Data from two to sixteen cameras is acquired. The dimensional coordinates are computed and then specified so that kinematic calculations and processing functions can be performed.

  • 3D coordinate scaling: Computing coordinates from at least two cameras using the automatic or manual video acquisition modules
  • Calibration: use a 3D calibration system to calculate real values
  • 3D kinematic parameter calculations: Virtual Points, unit vectors, centre of mass, linear accelerations, linear displacements, linear velocities, angular velocities, angular accelerations, joint angles, segmental angels, customized angles
  • Data filtering: Butterworth Algorithm, Fast Fourier Transform, Cubic Spline, Quintic Spline
  • Interpolation: Eliminate any “Black Box” approach to data collection
  • Trial averaging: Combining data from multiple trials of the same subject
  • Temporal expansion: Expand the frequency up to double the rate at which the data were originally digitized using Shannon’s Sampling Theorem

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See the new Motus features in TEMPLO v2018

Vicon Motus 10.0.1 available
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HDV, GigE and USB-3 cameras
CONTEMPLAS TEMPLO, the new video capture engine, provides the most flexible capture solutions worldwide

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